Together, There is Nothing We Can't Achieve
Here, our mischievous kitten couple scales the fireplace and hangs from the mantle in a harrowing attempt to investigate the presents placed there--supposedly out of their reach. I have no doubt that they'll be victorious and after their owner(s) scold them, I'm sure he/she will be impressed by their tenacity and teamwork.
In all seriousness, I post this three days after the tragic murders of 20 children and 6 adults in Sandy Hook, Newtown, CT. There is horror and despair in the hearts of millions in the country and around the world. Some will look to their neighbors and loved ones for comfort and support, I fear that others will turn to fear and will seek to arm themselves in protection. My prayer is that in this holiday season--one that has lost its joy for many--we do the former and hang on and lean on each other in this time of mourning and national soul searching. That is part of what is needed to honor the lives we lost on Friday.